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PU belt conveyor

Product description

In food industry, automatic conveying system becomes more and more important as labor price raised up day by day.512肉类解冻设备|食品切块机|不锈钢地漏沟槽-潍坊汇和机械工程有限公司

Enhance producing efficiency.512肉类解冻设备|食品切块机|不锈钢地漏沟槽-潍坊汇和机械工程有限公司

Solve processing probelms .512肉类解冻设备|食品切块机|不锈钢地漏沟槽-潍坊汇和机械工程有限公司

Reduce cross contamination from humans, and improve quality.512肉类解冻设备|食品切块机|不锈钢地漏沟槽-潍坊汇和机械工程有限公司

Save labors.512肉类解冻设备|食品切块机|不锈钢地漏沟槽-潍坊汇和机械工程有限公司

Easy to serve all equipments and working steps.512肉类解冻设备|食品切块机|不锈钢地漏沟槽-潍坊汇和机械工程有限公司

PLC control, remote control512肉类解冻设备|食品切块机|不锈钢地漏沟槽-潍坊汇和机械工程有限公司

Specifics to different customers, conveying belt with same height, different height, same width, different width, sloped         ones and so on.512肉类解冻设备|食品切块机|不锈钢地漏沟槽-潍坊汇和机械工程有限公司
